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Employer of Record and Payroll Services in Jordan Jordan flag

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Services available

  • Employer of record
  • Contractor management
  • Global payroll
  • In-country payroll
Jordan map

Mercans offers complete payroll, PEO and HR services in Jordan

Jordan enjoys strong economic and strategic relationships within the MENA region and the world and has emerged as a renewable energy and clean technology destination. With an investor-friendly environment, modern infrastructure, robust economic growth and political stability, Jordan has become a major tourist destination in the Middle East. Despite regional turmoil, Jordan maintains a stable, modern and secure environment, offering exceptional quality of life.


Doing Business in Jordan

Jordan offers an extensive system of incentives aimed at promoting a range of investments. A gateway to the region, Jordan enables investors and entrepreneurs access to over 1 billion consumers. Incentives for economic growth include custom duty exemptions and tax reimbursement on production inputs, exemptions and reductions of the General Sales Tax on production requirements and tax reimbursement on services for manufacturing and vocational activities.

Entity Registration and Incorporation Requirements

Setting up a new business or expanding an existing one in Jordan is straightforward. Choose how your company operates from a range of entity types which suit your individual circumstance.


Banking Hours: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Saturday to Thursday

Working Week

The standard working week is from Sunday to Thursday from 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Labor Law

The primary piece of legislation affecting the employment relationship is Jordanian Labor Law No. (8) of 1996, amended in 2019. The latest amendments have a significant impact on a number of aspects of the employment relationship including wages and how wage disputes are resolved, overtime, paternity leave, annual leave, childcare and retirement.

Main Industries

Tourism, information technology, clothing, fertilizer, potash, phosphate mining, pharmaceuticals, petroleum refining, cement, inorganic chemicals, light manufacturing

GDP Growth


Dates & Numbers


Official State Name

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


10.2 million



Major Languages



Jordanian dinar

Internet Domain


International Dialing Code


Amman, JO
12:03 pm, March 26, 2025
temperature icon 21°C
Humidity 30 %
Wind Gust: 0 mph

Payroll in Jordan

Mercans provides comprehensive and compliant payroll solutions for companies operating in Jordan. Given our global experience of 20 + years in the industry, we offer industry-leading outsourced payroll services with our Jordan payroll team’s experience, expertise, and smart payroll technology. A leader in payroll outsourcing, Mercans is one of the largest payroll companies in Jordan and in the global industry.

As for payroll in Jordan, we can streamline complex and time-consuming payroll processes such as Real Time Information (RTI), reporting, and pension auto-enrolment by handling the administrative aspects and manage end-to-end payroll services for you. With us as your dedicated payroll provider, you can rest assured that you will always receive real-time payroll-related answers to all your queries.

To give you more time to do what you do best, we provide customized services to fit your firm’s needs so that you can focus on your core business activities.



Jordanian Labor Law determines that the wage (or salary) is all cash or in-kind entitlements of the employee and any other entitlement of whatever type that is provided for by law or the work contract. An employer who pays a worker less than the minimum rate shall be punished by a fine and shall be ordered to pay the worker the difference. The penalty shall be doubled every time the offense is repeated. Companies that operate a multi-country payroll should take note of Jordan’s recent labor law amendments including the introduction of the concept of wage discrimination (gender-based wage inequality).

It is acceptable to provide employees with online payslips


Payroll reports must be kept for 10 years


Employees are entitled to 14 days of paid annual leave, and 21 days after completing 5 years

Annual Leave

Employees are entitled to 14 days of paid sick leave

Sick Leave

Employees are entitled to 10 weeks of paid maternity leave and 3 days of paid paternity leave

Maternity & Paternity Leave

7 days notice is required for terminating employees

Employee Termination

Not mandated by law

13th month salary

268 Jordanian dinars per month

Minimum Wage

If an employee has worked over 48 hours per week, they are entitled to overtime at a minimum rate of 125% - 150%


If a worker’s employment is terminated before they consume their annual leave, they shall be entitled to receive remuneration for all their remaining leave days.

Severance Pay


Mercans offers reliable and efficient Employer of Record (EOR) services in Jordan, enabling companies to expand their global presence with ease. Mercans’ EOR in Jordan makes it easy for you to expand your business without any entity setup.


As an automated, united, and efficient global HR platform, our employer of record services helps you manage your remote teams along with their payrolls, benefits, onboarding, etc., in the most efficient manner.


With an international network in over 160 countries, Mercans as an EOR provider in Jordan can assist you in accomplishing your dreams of global expansion with ease. Mercans provides you with access to talented professionals at all levels of experience. Our local network and global infrastructure allows us to perform activities such as hiring, managing contracts and payrolls, onboarding, and employee record management so you can focus on growing your core business.


PEO in Jordan

Mercans provides flexible and cost-effective Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services in Jordan, enabling companies to establish a local presence and manage their workforce without the need for legal entities or subsidiaries. With Mercans’ PEO in Jordan, companies can streamline their HR and payroll operations. A Professional Employer Organization, Mercans is committed to providing a hassle-free HR experience, including employee benefits, payroll administration, and compliance with Jordanian labor laws. By partnering with Mercans, companies can focus on their core business activities while leaving their HR and payroll responsibilities to experts.


Tax and Social Security

Any income incurred in or from Jordan (regardless of the place of payment) shall be subject to tax in Jordan. Social security is a general solidarity insurance scheme that aims to provide social and economic protection to the people of Jordan. Benefits are funded by contributions paid by both insured persons and employers.


Aside from the personal income tax rates which are applied progressively, amounts exceeding JOD 200,000 of the annual taxable income for individuals will be subject to 1% as national contribution tax.


Corporate Income Tax


Personal Income Tax


Sales Tax



Social Security

Voluntary subscriptions entails Jordanian citizens being able to subscribe in their old age, disability and death insurance to avail themselves of the benefits provided by social security. This includes pension salaries and disability salaries.


Social Security Rate


Social Security Rate for Employers


Social Security Rate for Employees


Employment Law

Free trade unions may be formed within the limits of the law, wherein any worker has the right to join the trade union if they fulfill membership requirements. As such, employers cannot make the employment of a worker subject to the condition that the worker does not join a trade union. Where there are individual labor disputes, these are settled by the Conciliation Court (except for cases that concern remuneration which are decided upon by the Remuneration Authority).

Employment Agreement

Chapter IV of the Labor Code deals with the contract of employment, which must be drawn up in Arabic. The duration of the contract is set by agreement between the parties. An employer is able to employ a worker on a trial basis, to verify their competence and capacity. This trial or probationary period shall not exceed three months. The employer has the right to terminate the employment of the worker under probation without notice or indemnity during the trial period.

Working condition

Provision of a nursery in the workplace was already required when there are at least 20 female employees in the workplace. This minimum number requirement has been removed. The obligation is now triggered when employees cumulatively have at least 15 children under the age of five.


Jordanian Labor Law stipulates that working hours shall not exceed eight per day and a total of 48 hours per week except in cases stipulated by Jordanian law such as persons undertaking general supervision or management or where the nature of work involves traveling within and outside the country.

Employment termination

How an employment contract is terminated depends on a few factors, including whether the contract is unlimited or for a limited period. In the case of the former, if the discharge is found by the court to be arbitrary and in violation of the law, the court may order the employer to reinstate the employee to their job or pay a sum of compensation equal to half of the wage for each year of all the working period. This would be done in addition to the payment in lieu of notice and other entitlements. Where the termination is of limited period work contract and the termination occurs before the term expiry, the employee shall be entitled to al the rights and benefits stipulated in their contact, including due wages until the expiry of the remaining period of the contract (unless dismissal was by virtue of Article 28 of the Jordanian Labor Law).


1 month

Minimum notice period for terminating an employee


8 days

Total number of public holidays



Working hours per week


8 days

Total number of days for Compassionate & Bereavement Leave



The work permit is required for any non-Jordanian worker legally residing in the country to work for an employer. The work contract is required for the application but where this is not available, a letter from the employer clarifying the period of employment, the nature of the worker’s job and estimated wages will suffice.


Residency permits

In the case of the grant of a five-year residence permit, this may be granted where the petitioner has resided in Jordan for 10 years legally (except for wives of Jordanian men) and where the residency is not for work purposes. A letter of recommendation from the Department of Residency and Borders is required.

Work Permit validity

One year

Required Documents

Company’s name, the worker’s name, address, nature of work, and available branches

Worker’s name, nationality, and profession

Two copies of the worker’ work contract

The company’s valid vocational license

Copy of the worker’s passport

List issued by the Social Security Corporation

Valid medical checkup certificate

Photo of the worker.

Compliant, reliable, error-free and touchless payroll in Jordan

Build the best team and hire top talent compliantly in Jordan. Get in touch with Jordan payroll outsourcing & PEO specialists for a free consultation!

This document was prepared for informational purposes only. As local laws & regulations keeps on changing. Please consult your tax & legal advisors as well.
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