Mercans offers complete payroll, PEO and HR services in Finland
Finland has the #1 business environment in the world as well as the #1 most stable country in the world for the 14th year in a row. It’s transparent government, independent judicial system, highly industrialized and innovative economy make it attractive to foreign investment.
Doing Business in Finland
Finland offers growth opportunities particularly for companies in bioeconomy, clean and smart technologies, health and wellbeing, ICT and digitalization as well as travel and tourism. A global champion in cleantech, Finland is also a premier location for health R&D.
Entity Registration and Incorporation Requirements
Setting up a new business or expanding an existing one in Finland is straightforward. Choose how your company operates from a range of entity types which suit your individual circumstance.
Banking Hours: 9:15 am to 4:15 pm from Monday to Friday
Working Week
The standard working week is from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Labor Law
The main laws governing the employment relationship in Finland include the Employment Contracts Act 2001, Working Hours Act 2019, Annual Holidays Act 2005. FInnish nationals who regularly work outside Finland are governed by the law of the country in which they habitually perform their work.
Main Industries
Electronics, machinery, vehicles and other engineered metal products, forest industry and chemicals, timber and several mineral and freshwater resources
GDP Growth
Dates & Numbers
Official State Name
Republic of Finland Suomen Tasavalta
5.531 million
Major Languages
Finnish, Swedish
Euro €
Internet Domain
International Dialing Code
Payroll in Finland
Mercans offers comprehensive and reliable payroll services in Finland, making us a trusted payroll provider in the country. Our Finland payroll services are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses operating in the Finnish market, including compliance with local laws and regulations. As one of the top payroll companies in Finland, our expert team provides end-to-end payroll management and assistance with administrative tasks, such as tax and social security contributions.
With our advanced payroll technology and self-service portal, employees can manage their HR tasks independently, reducing the need for HR assistance and streamlining the process. Trust Mercans as your preferred partner for payroll in Finland and globally.
Companies that operate a multi-country payroll must take note that there is no national statutory minimum pay. Minimum wages are usually regulated by industry-specific collective agreements. Discretionary bonus schemes are common. An employee posted to Finland is entitled to the salary determined by a universally valid FInnish collective labor agreement for the sector.
It is acceptable to provide employees with online payslips
Payroll reports must be kept for 10 years
4 weeks
Annual Leave
10 days of paid sick leave
Sick Leave
105 days of unpaid maternity leave and 54 days of unpaid paternity leave
Maternity & Paternity Leave
14 days notice if the employee is employed for at least one year
Employee Termination
This is usually paid before the employee takes their vacation
13th month salary
There is no minimum wage but employees are backed by collective agreements that specify minimum rates
Minimum Wage
Overtime pay is 150% of the regular salary rate of pay for the first two hours and 200% for any subsequent hours
There are no provisions for severance pay.
Severance Pay
Mercans’ Employer of Record services in Finland offer companies a compliant and efficient way to expand their global presence without establishing a legal entity or subsidiary in the country.
As a leading EOR provider in Finland, our expert team takes on the legal and financial responsibilities of employing staff in Finland, including managing payroll, benefits, and taxes, while ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations.
With Mercans as your EOR in Finland, you can focus on your core business while we handle the administrative tasks and provide real-time support for your staff
PEO in Finland
Mercans’ Professional Employment Organization services in Finland offer a flexible and cost-effective solution for companies seeking to establish a local presence and manage their workforce without setting up a legal entity or subsidiary in Finland. Our PEO services in Finland provide a range of HR services, including payroll management, benefits administration, and compliance with local laws and regulations.
As a trusted PEO in Finland, we handle the administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on your core business while we provide real-time support to your staff. With Mercans’ PEO services in Finland, you can expand your global presence quickly and efficiently.
Tax and Social Security
Residents are taxed on their worldwide income at progressive tax rates. There is also a flat tax rate for municipal (and church and social security) tax purposes. Non resident individuals (those who occasionally work in Finland) are taxed on Finnish-source income only. In Finland, the social security system consists of services and cash benefits that provide economic security.
The employer is required to withhold tax on all salaries paid to the employee and this amount is determined on a progressive basis by the amount of salary (including benefits). An individual is regarded as a resident if they have a permanent home or have stayed in the country for over six months.
Corporate Income Tax
Personal Income Tax
Sales Tax
Social Security
Overall, the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) covers those who live in Finland on a permanent basis and those who work as well. In certain situations, individuals who live abroad may also be covered. Social security is implemented by Kela, the municipalities, the unemployment funds
Social Security Rate
Social Security Rate for Employers
Social Security Rate for Employees
Employment Law
Finnish law does not categorize workers. The Employment Contracts Act defines what an employment contract is, that is, an agreement to personally perform work for an employer, under the employer’s direction and supervision in return for pay or remuneration. Independent contractors are not categorized as employees and therefore, not covered by mandatory statutory employment rights.
Required contributions by employers include social security, unemployment insurance, earnings-related pension insurance contribution, group life insurance premium and occupational accident insurance.
Employment Agreement
Written employment contracts are not required in Finland but a written statement of key employment terms must be provided to the employee. This statement must contact terms covering the employee’s main duties, duration of contract, probationary period, salary and pay terms etc. It is, however, customary to have written employment contracts.
Working condition
Regular working hours must generally not exceed eight hours a day and 40 hours a week. Overtime work can only be performed on the employer’s initiative and with the employee’s consent. The maximum amount of work including overtime is an average of 48 hours a week during a four month period. Employers also cannot propose variable working hours if they have a permanent need for labor.
The total number of paid holidays is 30 days per year. There are approximately 10 annual public holidays a year when employees are entitled to a paid day off. Maximum amount of holiday per year is five week (if not otherwise determined in a collective labor agreement).
Employment termination
Unless otherwise provided, parties to an employment agreement can agree on the notice period in the employment contract. If the notice period is not set out in a collective agreement, the employer and employee must apply the appropriate notice period. The employer must apply a notice period based on the employee’s length of service.
14 days
Minimum notice period for terminating an employee
Total number of public holidays
Working hours per week
No legal recognition
Total number of days for Compassionate & Bereavement Leave
Permits for entrepreneurs and employees depend on whether the person is from or resides in another Nordic country (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland), an EU country or or comes from outside the EU.
Residency permits
Citizens of Nordic countries may freely enter and reside in Finland as well as take up paid employment without a residence permit. EU citizens have the right to enter, reside, study and seek work for three months without a residence permit. If they wish to stay longer than that, they must register their right to reside at a police department. Individuals from outside the EA require a work permit and a residence permit.
Work Permit validity
Two years
Required Documents
Valid work contract in Finland
Possessing a university degree (except for seasonal work)
Work professionally in your field
Clear of any criminal charges
Must not be a danger to Finland and must uphold all Finnish laws
Must not be subjected to any travel bans in the Schengen Area
For a specialist visa: the individual must qualify as a highly-skilled worker
For welfare and healthcare: the individual must be authorized to practice their profession.
Build the best team and hire top talent compliantly in Finland. Get in touch with Finland payroll outsourcing & PEO specialists for a free consultation!