Mercans offers complete payroll, PEO and HR services in Cambodia
Cambodia’s rapid economic growth over the last decade places the country as the sixth fastest economy globally. This growth is fuelled by developments in four key sectors: tourism, garments, construction and real estate as well as agriculture. There is also a diversification of the country’s manufacturing base towards other sectors which will continue to support economic growth. Although predominantly rural, this is set to change with increased urbanization and population growth.
Doing Business in Cambodia
Business is strongly supported in Cambodia through a pro-investment environment. The regulatory framework allows for 100% foreign ownership except for certain sectors, enablement of foreign secured lending, zero foreign exchange controls (except in limited circumstances) and the issue of industry-specific licenses in certain sectors. Further, there are a significant number of competitive investment incentives including no trade restrictions, the availability of long-term land leases and zero price control on any products or services.
Entity Registration and Incorporation Requirements
Setting up a new business or expanding an existing one in Cambodia is straightforward. Choose how your company operates from a range of entity types that suit your individual circumstance.
Banking Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.
Working Week
The standard working week is from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Labor Law
Cambodia has a strong labor protection regime and many measures have been introduced to reduce production and supply costs and encourage more foreign investment.
Main Industries
Tourism, garments, construction, rice milling, fishing, wood and wood products, rubber
GDP Growth
Dates & Numbers
Official State Name
Kingdom of Cambodia
16.71 million
Phnom Penh
Major Languages
Cambodian Riel
Internet Domain
International Dialing Code
The minimum wage as applicable for workers and employees in the textile, garment, footwear and travel sectors has been set as the equivalent of USD$194 per month effective 1 January 2022.
It is acceptable to provide employees with online payslips
Payroll reports must be kept for 5 years
Employees are entitled to receive paid annual leave of 18 days
Annual Leave
Employees are entitled to receive paid sick leave of 30 days
Sick Leave
Employees are entitled to 90 days of half paid maternity leave. There are no provisions mandated by law regarding paternity leave
Maternity & Paternity Leave
Employees must be provided with a minimum of 15 days notice of termination of employment
Employee Termination
There are no provisions mandated by law regarding the 13th month salary
13th month salary
194 USD per month
Minimum Wage
Overtime payment is calculated at the rate of 1.5x the employee's ordinary rate of pay
Employees paid monthly are entitled to 15 days’ pay for each year of employment for the first year of service
Severance Pay
Tax and Social Security
There is no personal income tax in Cambodia. In its place, a monthly salary tax is imposed on individuals who derive income from employment. Employers are required to make ORC (Occupational Risks Contributions) and payments towards healthcare to the NSSF (National Social Security Fund).
Investments in the country are supported through a tax holiday for up to 9 years, full import and export duty exemption for qualified investment projects and no restrictions on capital repatriation.
Corporate Income Tax
Personal Income Tax
Sales Tax
Social Security
In respect of the ORC, an employer with at least eight employees must register itself and their employees with the NSSF.
Social Security Rate
Social Security Rate for Employers
Social Security Rate for Employees
Employment Law
Employment in Cambodia is governed by the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Labor Law as well as international treaties and other labor-related rules and regulations.
Employment Agreement
The employment contract is the primary means through which the employment relationship is governed. There are two types of contracts: fixed and unfixed duration.
Working condition
Overtime may be undertaken when there is special work to be done or owing to unforeseen circumstances. However, prior to any overtime work being carried out, the employer must first get the approval of the employee representative and union.
Any work performed during a public holiday must be under the supervision of a labor inspector. Employees are also no longer entitled to a day off in lieu should a public holiday fall on a Sunday.
Employment termination
In general, terminations must be done with cause. The procedures vary depending on the type of employment contract, the position held by the employee and the reason for such termination.
15 days
Minimum notice period for terminating an employee
15 days
Total number of public holidays
Working hours per week
8 days
Total number of days for Compassionate & Bereavement Leave
Foreign workers enjoy the same protection and mandatory benefits provided to local employees. Employers are required to retain immigration and labor documents on-site for the purposes of labor inspection. Should a foreign worker be employed, the company is required to apply for a foreign employee quota via the MLVT online system.
Residency permits
Foreign workers intending to work in Cambodia are required to obtain a Visa EB. They can apply for an initial Visa E (valid for 30 days from date of arrival into Cambodia) which may be extended to a Visa EB (valid for between six months to a year).
Work Permit Validity
1 year
Required Documents
Certificate of incorporation with the relevant company stamp
Copy of the document certifying the registered business address
Tax patent with the relevant company stamp
A list of all foreign and local employees to ensure the ratio is not below 9:1 document certifying the MOC approval
The company’s articles of incorporation
The individual’s name, gender, date of birth, and height
Copies of the individual’s identification cards and passport
Copy of the individual’s E visa
The individual’s current address
The full names of the mother and father of the individual
Documents providing evidence of educational qualifications
Photo Copy of the individual’s health certificate
Information about the individual’s role with the company
Confirmation of the year the individual received their first E visa.
Build the best team and hire top talent compliantly in Cambodia. Get in touch with Cambodia payroll outsourcing & PEO specialists for a free consultation!